The artistic and social review which opened in his gallery in Rome called "PROUDS. FERALESS. ACHES "WOMEN WHO HAVE SAID NO" - Personal exposure and woman social review , an Idea of Anna Laura Millacci. Is a review and portraits of 18 female characters remain in the historical memory and the collective which figures who opposed the control and male power and gender. The artist read and plays the memory and courage of 18 women gathered together through a single common denominator : "Courage." A tribute to not forget these special women. Women who have struggled and left an important mark for freedom ', independence and women's rights . Treated from Millacci through an otherwise "unusual" interpretation, and alternative interpretation than that Traditional associations in defense of women right or that of popular beliefs.
There was also a very beautiful image of Hypatia, astronomer-philosopher killed in the name of a science which sparkled his first fervent lights, in 'show and event Anna Laura Millacci which opened in these days to "The Secret Gallery" perfect setting for contemporary art around the corner from Castel Sant'Angelo. A journey of emotions through a tribute to the memory and to the initiative of 18 female historical figures that some aspects have changed our history.
Women deliberately incurred by the artist through a single common denominator: "Courage." Mettle against the sexist and priestly powers, against gender discrimination, against millenarianisms caste, against trivializing the intrusiveness of the media, against the witch trials, against intolerance which makes the State, against the blackmail and corruption, against gender abuses and prejudices.
A glimpse of the great social struggles in paintings that exude past and a present sense of pregnant; especially great temperaments declined to women who have seen beating hearts, daring, authoritative knowledge and real acts of heroism and historical foresight in what many would have just wanted to play as a poor housewives dresses, sequined courtesans, stereotypes of a star.
Women deliberately incurred by the artist through a single common denominator: "Courage." Courage against sexist and priestly powers, against gender discrimination, against millenarianisms caste, against trivializing the intrusiveness of the media, against the ancient witch trials, against intolerance which makes the State, against the blackmail and corruption, against gender tendencies and prejudices.
A glimpse of the great social struggles in paintings that exude past and a present sense of pregnant; especially great temperaments declined to women who have seen beating hearts, daring, authoritative knowledge and real acts of heroism and historical foresight in what many would have just wanted to play as a poor housewives dresses, sequined courtesans, stereotypes of a star.
Here then paraded in diachronic showcase Millacci - combining pop-photographic contours in warm colors and surfaces almost caressing -, daring characters and blood, albeit often linked to personal and collective tragedies misfortunes: Catherine de Medici, Frida Kahlo, Cleopatra, Lady Diana, Lucrezia Borgia, Helen of Troy, Rosa Luxemburg, and many many others, who have taken to heart the cause of the weak, the oppressed, or simply defending its right to exist, to count, to be able to think and not to be.
The trajectory of the life of Hypatia, mathematics and thinker of ancient Greece, really in all this is a symbol of that ancient war that opposes the woman to the man, but to stupidity, blindness, to the manipulation of life and dell ' intelligence with easy beliefs and political squalor inherited and passed down. Linked to the ancient pagan cults of Alexandria, Hypatia recalcitrant intrusiveness increasingly absolutist and bloody creed of Christendom now rampant.
What evolved for the woman of the Serapeum library, wisdom truth totem, is synonymous with the splendor of the rites, the study humility, open to the skies in their vastness, loyalty to the zeal of the disciples and to the charism of the wise, serene disposition to dialogue even with slaves, for the growing sect of "parabolani" is submission to the sacred, obedience to God, reluctance to all forms of intellectual presumption that obstacles to the providential plan. The gift and the sharing of knowledge face the subjugation of sin and the closing prayer.
But when the "monks" are beginning to be used as a method of winning the desecration of the Eastern effigies and the accusation of idolatry for those who believe in those golds and those profiles animals, they are unleashed blades and hatred, and Isis followers are massacred and submissive.
What appears, in embryo, as the advanced indomitable will of the Catholic faith to become one with the military centralist requirements of the Roman Empire, and prefects and bishops will tighten murky alliances in order to monopolize power which is, by now, simultaneously, of hosts, state apparatuses and consciences. And the same Hypatia will fall under the insane violence of a tyranny that, in a deadly martial seal and hieratic, has now destroyed this wonderful desire to freely question the ways of life and the origins of the universe.
"The courage to be seen as an incomparable weapon to deal with the social and the most important gender battles but whose price tag has always been and still is beyond measure and time-consuming, especially for ordinary women - says Anna Laura Millacci -. Also because this courage, as history shows, it has often been the son of a social class and economic dominance, which in some cases, initially, allowed them to say a big no to the system that saw them relegated to marginal roles.
Women, therefore, that undoubtedly have been favored by a social status which allowed her to be able to fight their battles, but still frowned upon by his contemporaries, who often omitted or concealed their talents, defamed, muddy from the machismo of historians and often later persecuted. Women claiming and claiming independence and respect the physical, psychological and intellectual, today as yesterday - said the artist. Women idealistic, never extinguished the flame. Women symbol of ancient battles that could possibly seem won, but have turned out only the deceptive fantastic clothes tailored by the best designers. To create a reassuring, modern, social illusion. A kind of social price control "designer" ".
We should reflect, in short, how the economy dominates and prevails all our civil and moral law more than any other ideological conflict or law passed. Courage probably pays, it does tell us Millacci with his paintings that seem to infect with tears and rivulets of blood, but also with pearls of wonder and bursts of joy, the look of the observer closely. And it comes at a high price.
And so perhaps we should have the "courage" to also teach this concept, albeit uncomfortable, to our children. Children, after all, a consumerism that only knows the rot of appearance and no longer the core of the beauty and transform.